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Saint Paul College will be closed on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, due to inclement winter weather.

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Appealing Academic Suspension

Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards during their academic warning period by not earning a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 and a cumulative course completion rate of 66.67% will be suspended for at least two terms. All students placed on academic suspension must appeal to be reinstated.

Appealing due to catastrophic extenuating circumstances
Students who believe they failed to achieve satisfactory academic progress due to extenuating circumstances may file an appeal prior to taking the required two terms off. However, students must provide documentation supporting their claim of the extenuating circumstances which interfered with their ability to be successful in school.

Appealing for reinstatement after serving the required two terms
Students who have served their suspension period must appeal for reinstatement by submitting the required suspension appeal paperwork along with a letter detailing the following:

  • What led to the academic suspension
  • How your life circumstances have changed to support your efforts to be successful in school
  • What you will do differently to ensure academic success if your appeal is granted

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal eForm: Submit this eform to appeal your academic and/or financial aid suspension.

Readmission after an approved suspension appeal
Students with an approved academic suspension appeal will be reinstated to the College on a probationary status. Prior to registering for classes, students will be required to meet with a Pathway Advisor to develop an academic plan. Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards while on academic probation by not earning a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and a cumulative course completion rate of 66.67% must earn at least a term GPA of at least 2.5 and a term completion rate of 100%. If either of these are not earned the student will be suspended from the College.

Transfer Suspensions

If an applicant’s most recent Minnesota State Transcript lists an academic suspension, a transfer suspension will be added to the applicant’s account.

The student will then need to appeal the suspension at Saint Paul College.

A transfer suspension is no longer valid if:

  • If it is more than 10 years past the date the transfer suspension was applied to the transcript
  • If there most recent transcript from a Minnesota State College or University does not list a suspension after the last semester attended

If a student’s most recent Minnesota State Transcript includes a suspension, and they have appealed this suspension at another institution, they are still required to submit an appeal to Saint Paul College by the Academic Suspension deadlines. All transfer suspensions must be appealed directly at the institution the student intends to attend.

Academic Suspension Appeal Deadlines

Fall 2024

  • August 2, 2024 for students suspended prior to Summer 2024
  • August 15, 2024 for students suspended following the Summer 2024 semester

Spring 2025

  • December 2, 2024: If you were suspended prior to the Fall 2024 semester.
  • January 7, 2025: If you were suspended following the Fall 2024 semester.

Summer 2025

  • May 16, 2025: If you were suspended prior to the Spring 2025 semester.
  • May 22, 2025: If you were suspended following the Spring 2025 semester.

Fall 2025

  • August 8, 2025: If you were suspended prior to the Summer 2025 semester.
  • August 15, 2025: If you were suspended following the Summer 2025 semester.

All appeals received after the posted deadlines will be considered for readmission the following academic term.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Guidelines Standards for All Students

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students bear primary responsibility for their own academic progress and for seeking assistance when experiencing academic difficulty. Students are encouraged to keep a file of their grades and transcripts.

Saint Paul College has a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy which requires students who have attempted one or more credits (including transfer credits) to maintain:

  1. a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 and
  2. a completion rate of at least 66.67% of the cumulative credits attempted with earned grades of A, B, C, D, P or AU.

If these requirements are not met, students will be put on academic warning or in some cases suspended. If the cumulative GPA or completion rate falls below minimum standards for a second term, the student may be suspended from the College. A 2.0 GPA in program required courses is a requisite for graduation.

Exception: A letter grade of “D” is considered to be a failure in the following programs: Practical Nursing, Medical Laboratory Technician, Respiratory Care Practitioner and Sign Language Interpreter/Transliterator AAS (language and interpreting skill classes), and all ESOL/EAPP classes.

Students seeking admission to Saint Paul College who have attended another college or university and do not meet Saint Paul College’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards must appeal for admission.

Academic Warning
The first time academic standards are not met, the student will be placed on academic warning for the next term of enrollment. Once the warning is issued, a hold is placed on the student’s account. The student must fill out the online Academic Warning Agreement Form to have the registration hold removed.

While on academic warning, a student is required to earn the following:

  1. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher and
  2. Maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of 66.67%

Students will be suspended unless a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher and a cumulative completion rate of 66.67% or higher is achieved.

Academic Suspension
Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards while on academic warning will be placed on academic suspension for two terms. All students placed on suspension must appeal to be reinstated.